Programs for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People
Programs to encourage, inspire, and equip other introverted and Highly Sensitive People. (To quote Andy Mort of Sheep Dressed Like Wolves, below). See bottom of page for links to other resource pages...
View ArticleActors and High Sensitivity
“Most actors are highly sensitive people.” Nicole Kidman Creative people tend to be both extroverted and introverted, usually more one way than the other. Many actors and performers identify...
View ArticleElizabeth Wagele: Are Introverts More Creative than Extraverts?
Note – See Facebook post on this article, with a number of comments about Wagele’s perspectives. ~ ~ In her Psychology Today blog post Are Introverts More Creative than Extraverts?, writer, cartoonist...
View ArticleElaine Aron on the trait of high sensitivity
“I know ALL HSPs are creative, by definition. Many have squashed their creativity because of their low self-esteem; many more had it squashed for them, before they could ever know about. But we all...
View ArticleIs it a disorder, or just shyness?
“As a child, I was very shy. Painfully, excruciatingly shy. I hid a lot in my room. I was so terrified to read out loud in school that I had to have my mother ask my reading teacher not to call on me...
View ArticleTalented and shy – Jane Fonda, Evan Rachel Wood, Nicole Kidman
Jane Fonda: “Acting was the last thing in the world I wanted to do, I was so shy. “But I got fired as a secretary and had to earn some money.” She discovered her passion for acting in the mid-1950s...
View ArticleRelationships for highly sensitive people
Interactions with others and just being in social situations can be challenging for those of us who are highly sensitive. Although sensitivity is not the same thing as introversion or shyness, these...
View ArticleBeing inner-directed: the high sensitivity personality
“Sometimes because I am very shy, when I meet a director and they are shy too, we just sort of sit there.” Actor Sigourney Weaver continued in an interview, “I remember when I met Ang Lee and we were...
View ArticleMarti Olsen Laney on Introversion Advantages
Marti Olsen Laney, Psy.D., M.F.T., is an author, researcher, speaker, educator, psychotherapist and an authority on introversion. On her site: she lists : Top 10 Advantages Introverts...
View ArticleRooney Mara: Intense and Sensitive
Many talented actors have identified themselves as being a highly sensitive person, or at least talked about their sensitivity or shyness – which is not the same, but can overlap with the personality...
View ArticleShyness, Introversion, Sensitivity – What’s the Difference?
Shyness, introversion and high sensitivity may share some qualities, and they can overlap and interact, but they are not the same. Many people may think of themselves as shy or at least call themselves...
View ArticleElaine Aron on the trait of high sensitivity
“I know ALL HSPs are creative, by definition. Many have squashed their creativity because of their low self-esteem; many more had it squashed for them, before they could ever know about. But we all...
View ArticleIntroverted, Shy or Highly Sensitive in the Arts
Many actors, musicians, authors and other artists identify themselves as being shy, or consider themselves introverted or highly sensitive. ~ ~ ~ Some people may use the term “shy” about themselves or...
View ArticleIs work a challenge for you as a highly sensitive person?
Can working at a job, building a career or developing a business as an entrepreneur be rewarding? Yes, of course, but some kinds of work can also be very challenging for us as highly sensitive people....
View ArticleMasking for fun, unmasking for authenticity and emotional health
We can wear physical masks for Halloween, cosplay and Día de los Muertos, as an actor or other performer, for a masked ball or erotic play – all that can be fun. But when we emotionally mask parts of...
View ArticleBeing inner-directed: the high sensitivity personality
“Sometimes because I am very shy, when I meet a director and they are shy too, we just sort of sit there.” Actor Sigourney Weaver continued in an interview, “I remember when I met Ang Lee and we were...
View ArticleRelationships for highly sensitive people
Interactions with others and just being in social situations can be challenging for those of us who are highly sensitive. Although sensitivity is not the same thing as introversion or shyness, these...
View ArticleIs work a challenge for you as a highly sensitive person?
Can working at a job, building a career or developing a business as an entrepreneur be rewarding? Yes, of course, but some kinds of work can also be very challenging for us as highly sensitive people....
View ArticleMarti Olsen Laney on Introversion Advantages
Marti Olsen Laney, Psy.D., M.F.T., is an author, researcher, speaker, educator, psychotherapist and an authority on introversion. On her site: she lists : Top 10 Advantages Introverts...
View ArticleElaine Aron and Alanis Morissette on high sensitivity
Psychologist Elaine Aron on highly sensitive persons: “I know ALL HSPs are creative, by definition. Many have squashed their creativity because of their low self-esteem; many more had it squashed for...
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