Programs to encourage, inspire, and equip other introverted and Highly Sensitive People.
(To quote Andy Mort of Sheep Dressed Like Wolves, below).
See bottom of page for links to other resource pages for books, articles and more sites.
This painting is “Mindfulness” by Erika Pochybova-Johnson – a depiction, it seems to me, of the rich inner life of many creative people, especially those of us who are introverts or HSP – or both.
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HSP Health – Self Actualization For The Highly Sensitive Person
“HSP Health wants to see each highly sensitive person (HSP) embrace their unique trait and gifts and take their place in the world. Most highly sensitive people do not get what they need to come into their own. The HSP Health website seeks to change that situation.”
Two HSP Health Online Courses :
There’s Nothing Wrong With You!
A Special Program For Highly Sensitive People:
Part 1: Embrace Your Special Nature: an identity focused course that helps highly sensitive people see the good in themselves and why it matters so that they have the confidence about themselves that they deserve
Part 2: Claim Your Place In The World: a course to help highly sensitive people navigate the world better by understanding how people and cultures evolve.
This course dives into the deep underlying process and structure of development to make it easier to process what you take in, identify what is yours and what is not and help you discover your true kindred spirits.
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The Energy Mastery Course consists of two parts:
the 41 module Energy Mastery Course and
Energy Mastery Through Ayurveda
Energy Mastery comes with an online Facebook Lab to receive support, coaching and try out new ideas. The course includes the integration materials and coaching questions offered in other courses.
Energy Mastery With Ayurveda Course
Discover the special benefits of Ayurveda for highly sensitive people:
– the unique reason Ayurveda works for highly sensitive people
– why Ayurveda offers benefits unavailable from allopathic (modern) medicine
– different types of healing and what they offer HSPs
– how Ayurveda affects energy and how that benefits highly sensitive people
– how the Ayurvedic approach to health aligns with the highly sensitive nature
Alanis Morissette comments on being highly sensitive and needing to take care of herself:
“I have a lot of friends who are a non-sensitive temperament, and they will be in what I consider a wildly over-stimulating environment, and they can stick it out, but I’m imploding…overwhelmed.
“I get maxed-out more quickly than some, so it’s my responsibility that I schedule little mini-breaks throughout the day, and have enough sleep.
“It’s almost incumbent on me to make sure that I take care, in a very fierce way, in order to be able to continue to write and to be the person I want to be.”
From post: Cheryl Richardson and Alanis Morissette on High Sensitivity.
Introvert Spring
“One third to one half of the world’s population is introverted…There’s nothing wrong with you if you need to choose your words carefully… if you don’t like small talk, if you prefer to dive deep.” …
“In a world that favors extroversion, introverts are often left to wonder, ‘is there something wrong with me?’ This is unfortunate because introverts are awesome and we have so many valuable gifts to offer the world.” Michaela Chung
Quote on her site: Introvert Spring
“Our culture made a virtue of living only as extroverts. We discouraged the inner journey, the quest for a center. So we lost our center and have to find it again.” ― Anaïs Nin
[Image/quote from World Introvert Day Gallery.]
Book: The Introvert Revolution: A Quiet Path to Reclaiming Our Power, by Michaela Chung.
Get her ebooks “100 Introvert Questions” and “Alone But Not Lonely – 7 Steps To True Connection For Introverts” at her site
Introvert Spring
One of her programs: Breakthrough Sessions with introverted men : “A free Breakthrough Session to ambitious introverted men who want to achieve their goals, while also reconnecting with their inner spark. It’s a special 45-minute session that will help you to get clear on where you are and what’s holding you back. Michaela will also give you strategies to move forward.”
NOTE – Please add my name as referral to the application form (that way I earn a commission, but there is no extra cost to you); my name is Douglas Eby. Thanks.
Apply for a complimentary Breakthrough Session
“As an introvert, you might have a hard time asking for what you need….at times we need to feel supported by people we love. That support might look like a shoulder to lean on. Or it could be the gift of much needed space. Or help with daily tasks. Or a shoulder rub. Or a thoughtful message. Perhaps you secretly want and need all of the above. But do you ever ask?”
From post: “Introvert: How To Say What You Want” by Michaela Chung.
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Sheep Dressed Like Wolves
Founder of the Sheep Dressed Like Wolves site, Andy Mort:
“I am a musician and songwriter who often struggles to get my quiet temperament working effectively towards my life’s goals and ambitions.
“I help encourage, inspire, and equip other introverted and Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) looking to find meaning and variety in their own lives. I want to assist so that they can live out their deep passion and purpose and make their unique gentle impact on a loud world that easily overwhelms them.
“Sheep Dressed Like Wolves is the Blog and Podcast for people I define as Reluctant Leaders and Gentle Rebels” …
[The above video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing.]
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“If you are an introverted or Highly Sensitive Person it is quite probable that you carry with you a deep longing to feel like what you do in life matters.”
Andy Mort – in free intro to his course: A Little Bit Every Day.
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The Difference Between Shyness and Introversion
This video is an excerpt from an interview Andy Mort did with Joanna Moore “about starting your hunt for the confidence you need to do the things you really want to do in life.”
You can see the full conversation when you join the Member’s Haven area of the site.
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Healthy self-esteem is a challenge for many creative, sensitive people.
“Sometimes it feels like everyone else is in on some big secret that you weren’t told about.
“It’s like, how is everyone doing that? How is everyone just so OK?
“Was I off school on the day they handed out the self-esteem manuals?
“Because, for you, feeling normal, feeling comfortable, just doesn’t come all that naturally.
“You’re always just a little bit on edge.”
From site for self-guided course: DIY Self-Esteem by Joanna Moore.
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Have You Created Stories About Your Introversion?
Beth Buelow comments:
“Amongst the general public the myths tend to be regarding introversion as shyness.
“I remember going to a special event a couple of years ago and sitting next to the wife of a colleague. She asked me what I do, so I told her about my business. Her response was to say ‘but you’re not introvert, you’re talking to me‘. I felt like saying, ‘well we do talk you know!‘ But that’s a demonstration of a lot of the misunderstandings in a nut shell.
“My clients and the people I consider closer colleagues, it’s less about the myths now because a lot of that is being dispelled by people who have a lot of curiosity about this topic.
“It’s more about the stories that we make up about being an introvert.
“Even though we know it’s about energy/in and out orientation to the world there is still a tendency to make up a story around it that has to do with; ‘I’m an introvert so I’m not going to be a very good public speaker’, or ‘I’m an introvert therefore I don’t think well on my feet’, or ‘I’m not good at networking because I’m an introvert’.
“There is an intellectual understanding that has started to come forward, but there is still an emotional piece that has to follow that.”
Andy Mort adds, “This is taken from an interview I did with Beth Buelow about how to survive and thrive as an introvert in the public eye.
If you’re interested in watching the whole of our conversation then swing by and join us in the Member’s Haven where there is new and exclusive content every week to help inspire, encourage and equip us introverted and highly sensitive people live the life we want to lead.”
[Photo from]
Beth Buelow is founder of the Introvert Entrepreneur, and author of Insight: Reflections on the Gifts of Being an Introvert.
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To see full interviews of the above, plus other resources, visit the site:
The Sheep Dressed Like Wolves Member’s Haven is an “Online community for introverted and highly sensitive creatives.”
“It is completely dedicated to helping introverted and/or highly sensitive people (HSPs) like you, understand your temperaments, manage your energy, and gain the confidence, encouragement, and inspiration you need to turn your inner dreams into external realities.”
Learn more about the Member’s Haven and explore the rest of the Sheep Dressed Like Wolves site.
Surrender to the Power of Intuition Online Course
by Judith Orloff, MD
Three-Lesson Live Online Course from Hay House.
“You’ll identify where you’re clinging to old patterns of behavior that don’t serve you and learn simple surrender techniques to release them.
“You’ll also learn how to stop absorbing the stress or negativity of others so that you can experience vibrant well-being.
“This intensive three-lesson online course is packed with practical teachings, each 90-minute LIVE audio lesson includes specific exercises to deepen your understanding of where you’re holding back and where you can let go more in your life.”
Video: Dr. Orloff talks about her course
Jenna Avery “uses her intuition, deep empathy, and innate practicality to help her visionary, creative clients step fully into their creative ideas, dreams, and ability.”
Learn about her programs including Self-Study Classes for Sensitive Souls; Life Purpose Breakthrough Sessions; Voice Your Vision Mastermind Retreat, and the Writer’s Circle at
She says her self-study classes “are the product of my many efforts to find ways to be a happy, healthy, highly sensitive soul. I have investigated everything I could get my hands on about energy skills, energetic boundary strengthening, interpersonal boundaries, flower essences for sensitive souls, empathy, intuitive development and more.
“I wanted to find out everything I could about how to feel happy about my life without feeling so assaulted by it — other people’s energy, emotions, and criticisms, and the life stresses and challenges that go along with day-to-day life.”
Resources for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People – Articles, videos, sites, quotes, books.
Introversion and high sensitivity are different, but they can also overlap and interact, and many of us experience both personality traits to some degree, perhaps along with the mild social anxiety of shyness.
People may refer to themselves or others as “shy” because it is a convenient label, but they may really be introverted or highly sensitive – perhaps also shy.
More resources:
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Another resource page:
Emotional Health Resources: Programs, books, articles and sites to improve your emotional wellbeing.
Originally posted 2014-07-30 20:15:28.
The post Programs for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People appeared first on Highly Sensitive and Creative.