How to Thrive as an Introvert – articles, books, courses and more
Being more inner-directed can help us as introverted people be especially creative, productive and “at home” in occupations and activities that fit our personality. But trying to fit in with more...
View ArticleMasking for fun, unmasking for authenticity and emotional health
We can wear physical masks for Halloween, cosplay and Día de los Muertos, as an actor or other performer, for a masked ball or erotic play – all that can be fun. But when we emotionally mask parts of...
View ArticleShyness, Introversion, Sensitivity – What’s the Difference?
Shyness, introversion and high sensitivity may share some qualities, and they can overlap and interact, but they are not the same. Many people may think of themselves as shy or at least call themselves...
View ArticleOn Being a Highly Sensitive Person – a Trait With Strong Gifts and Challenges
Being sensitive “is a beautiful thing as an artist.” Alanis Morissette “I know ALL HSPs are creative, by definition.” Psychologist Elaine Aron “You are born with this trait. This is not a disorder.”...
View ArticleRooney Mara: Intense and Sensitive
Many talented actors have identified themselves as being a highly sensitive person, or at least talked about their sensitivity or shyness. Being shy is not the same as the personality traits of high...
View ArticlePrograms for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People
Courses and other programs to inspire and support you as an introvert or highly sensitive person. Maybe you are both. See bottom of page for links to other resource pages for books, articles and more...
View ArticleArtists may be powerful because of their high sensitivity
“Most actors are highly sensitive people.” Nicole Kidman Many actors, performers and other artists have the personality trait of high sensitivity, or sensory processing sensitivity. Shyness,...
View ArticleIs it a disorder, or just shyness?
“As a child, I was very shy. Painfully, excruciatingly shy. I hid a lot in my room. “I was so terrified to read out loud in school that I had to have my mother ask my reading teacher not to call on me...
View ArticleHow does empathy work? How is it related to high sensitivity?
How sensitive are you? HSP psychotherapist Julie Bjelland, LMFT designed a short quiz on being a highly sensitive person. She notes in a post: “After working with and surveying over 5000 highly...
View ArticleBeing inner-directed: the high sensitivity personality
“Sometimes because I am very shy, when I meet a director and they are shy too, we just sort of sit there.” Actor Sigourney Weaver continued in an interview, “I remember when I met Ang Lee and we were...
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