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Programs for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People


Courses and other programs to inspire and support you as an introvert or highly sensitive person. Maybe you are both.

See bottom of page for links to other resource pages for books, articles and more sites.


Why bother with programs when we are highly sensitive?

Alanis Morissette comments on being highly sensitive and needing to take care of herself:

Alanis Morissette“I have a lot of friends who are a non-sensitive temperament, and they will be in what I consider a wildly over-stimulating environment, and they can stick it out, but I’m imploding…overwhelmed.

“I get maxed-out more quickly than some, so it’s my responsibility that I schedule little mini-breaks throughout the day, and have enough sleep.

“It’s almost incumbent on me to make sure that I take care, in a very fierce way, in order to be able to continue to write and to be the person I want to be.”

From post: Cheryl Richardson and Alanis Morissette on High Sensitivity.


Sensitive-movieBooks, Products and Programs for Highly Sensitive People

Educational and self-help material to support your personal growth, creativity and thriving life as a highly sensitive person.

Included are titles by Elaine Aron, Sharon Barnes, Judith Orloff, Heather Dominick, Julie Bjelland, Ted Zeff, Cliff Harwin, Laurie Helgoe, Susan Cain, Michaela Chung and others.


Sensitive EvolutionSensitive Evolution (previously HSP Health) “wants to help each highly sensitive person (HSP) embrace their unique trait and gifts and take their place in the world.

“Most highly sensitive people do not get what they need to come into their own. The Sensitive Evolution website seeks to change that situation.”

The Importance Of Frameworks For Sensitive People
from Facebook/Sensitive Evolution – Self Actualization For Gentle Souls

Maria Hill about her site and programs – an older video of mine, but still good info:

Learn more at the site:

The Emerging Sensitive Program

Sensitive Evolution - The Emerging Sensitive Program

Here are two of her Sensitive Evolution online courses that are part of her program:

The Foundation Course For HSPs: IdentityFoundation Course For HSPs: Identity

The course is “a deep dive into the sensitive trait.

“It is designed to provide you with the opportunity to investigate both the advantages and challenges of being highly sensitive. The course has 36 modules. It has videos that explain the characteristics of sensitivity and in depth exploration questions to help you formulate a clearer picture of the good that can be found in being a sensitive person.

“You could think of this class as a treasure hunt!

“After exploring the individual characteristics you will have the opportunity to reframe that characteristic for yourself and after working on each of the advantages and challenges of being sensitive you will be able to develop a new self statement about yourself as a sensitive person that acknowledges to full goodness of your nature.”

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Energy Mastery Course

Energy Mastery course“Energy mastery is much more than self-protection through the visualization of protective energy.

“It is important to understand the biology behind energy challenges especially difficult stuck energy so that you can be compassionate with yourself as you try to release old energy patterns.

“Energy patterns are not just biological. They are also social.

“The course takes a look at various ways that social structures can create energy problems for you and helps you start to consider new choices.”

Learn more at the site for the new community:

The Emerging Sensitive Program


Are you a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur?

Learn more about resources to support you as a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur at A Course in Business Miracles.

Founder Heather Dominick says:

“A Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur™ is a person with highly sensitive abilities who has chosen to utilize these special traits within the world of self-employment.

“Most likely, if you are highly sensitive, you have been given the message over time that your traits are not assets but hindrances.

“Perhaps you heard things growing up like:
~ Stop being so sensitive.
~ Cry baby!
~ What’s wrong with you?

“But in truth you are coded to be extremely successful within the world of self-employment in what according to Dr. Elaine N. Aron, one of the primary researchers of the high sensitivity personality trait and author of the book Highly Sensitive Persons, refers to as “advisor role” within society.

“She states, ‘For aggressive societies to survive they always need that priest – judge – advisor class. Highly sensitive persons tend to fill that advisor role. We are the writers, historians, philosophers, judges, artists, researchers, theologians, therapist, [coaches], teachers, parents, and plain conscientious citizens. What we bring to any of these roles is a tendency to think about all the possible effects of an idea.’

Heather Dominick“It’s no accident that the coaching industry has exploded over the past five years, offering a litany of business building opportunities aimed at a more ‘spiritual’ practice of integrated business and marketing.

“Literally, as Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs™, our time has come.

“However, as Dr. Aron states, ‘to perform our role well, we have to feel very good about ourselves. We have to ignore all the messages from the ‘Warriors’ that we are not as good as they are.

‘The Warriors have their bold style, which has its value. But we, too, have our style and our own important contribution to make.’

“The key is, how do we do that? How do you use your highly sensitive abilities to support you in being purposeful, profitable and empowered rather than scattered, poor and undervalued?

It’s why Business Miracles was created.

“You may be asking yourself, how do I know if I’m a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur?… Simply take the Free Quiz on the site and find out.”


Judith Orloff, MD notes:

Judith Orloff“This is a tough world for sensitive people. From the constant bombardment of the 24-hour news cycle to the presence of untold numbers of visual, audio, and chemical toxins in our environment, those of us with naturally high sensitivity can find ourselves easily overwhelmed.

“And understanding can be hard to find. Have you been told you need to “grow a thick skin”? Have you been treated as if your sensitivity is some kind of weakness or character flaw?

“I know just how you feel. I’m an empath myself.

“If you feel as if you don’t fit in this world, it’s because you’re here to create a better one.”

video on “Essential Tools for Empaths” by Dr. Orloff

Essential Tools for Empaths: A Survival Guide for Sensitive People Audio CD, Judith Orloff (Author, Narrator). Follow link to hear audio sample.

Related book:

The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People by Judith Orloff, MD.

“Having empathy means our heart goes out to another person in joy or pain,” says Dr. Judith Orloff. “But for empaths it goes much farther. We actually feel others’ emotions, energy, and physical symptoms in our own bodies, without the usual defenses that most people have.”

“Being an empath is the new normal—and what a perfect guidebook. Now people will know how to cope with being highly sensitive in their everyday lives. Fabulous and so timely. Everyone needs this book.” — Caroline Myss, author of Anatomy of the Spirit, and Sacred Contracts.


Resources for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People
Articles, videos, sites, quotes, books.

Introversion / HSP Resources page

Introversion and high sensitivity are different, but they can also overlap and interact, and many of us experience both personality traits to some degree, perhaps along with the mild social anxiety of shyness.

People may refer to themselves or others as “shy” because it is a convenient label, but they may really be introverted or highly sensitive – perhaps also shy.

Ingrid Bergman


More resources:

Sites / Coaches

Books / Products

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Another resource page:

Emotional Health Resources

Emotional Health Resources: Programs, books, articles and sites to improve your emotional wellbeing.


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